How to Frame Your Completed Puzzle: Showcase Your Masterpiece!

After spending hours, days, weeks, or perhaps even months, you’ve finally done it! You’ve finished that beast of a jigsaw puzzle that’s been occupying your dining table, coffee table, or any other flat surface available in your home. But hold your horses, there’s a slight conundrum. What now? Do you dismantle your labor of love and return it to its box, only to be forgotten until your next puzzling bout? Absolutely not! One possible solution? Frame that sucker!

Welcome to this fabulous, fun-filled guide on how to frame your completed puzzle. We’re not just paying lip service here; we’re going to imbue you with the knowledge, and unique tricks to turn your puzzle masterpiece into a bona fide work of art. So buckle up folks! Let’s dive in, headfirst, shall we?

Choosing the Right Frame:

First things first, choosing the right frame isn’t just about picking up any old four-sided hunk of wood. No siree! This is your masterpiece we’re talking about, and it deserves the best. Hence, here are some attributes to consider:

  • Size: Take meticulous measurements. The frame should snugly fit your finished puzzle.
  • Style and color: What suits your puzzle? A chic, black frame for a noir puzzle or a rustic, wooden frame for a countryside scenery?
  • Material: Durable materials such as wood or metal can offer longevity.
  • Thickness: Consider the thickness depending on the size and weight of your puzzle.

Not to flog a dead horse, but remember, the frame is just as important as the puzzle itself. So, choose wisely!

The Gluing Game:

Now, gluing might sound like an easy-peasy task, but trust us, it’s an art in itself. Glue gives cohesion and a sturdy backing to the pieces, preparing it to be hauled up on your wall.

Many folks use specialized puzzle glue, but worry not if you don’t have it at your fingertips. Regular old white glue (Elmer’s should do) diluted with a bit of water can be your savior.

Mounting moves:

Sure, you could just slap the puzzle onto the frame, hoping it stays put. But what of the dangling piece in the corner or the one peeping from the side? Yikes! No worries, we’ve got you’re back, Jack! Here’s how you mount your puzzle onto a backing board:

  • Flip it: Be patient and use a flat surface like a table.
  • Adhere it: Apply adhesive to the board and get sticking.
  • Seal it: Secure the edges with a sealant or tape.

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither should your masterpiece-taking slow, careful steps will pay off!

Acrylic vs. Glass: The Eternal Debate:

It’s like boxers or briefs, tea or coffee, Star Trek or Star Wars…okay, we’ll stop there, you get the point!

Acrylic’s lightweight and shatter-resistant properties make it a formidable opponent to glass. But the decision is ultimately yours. Consider your needs, your puzzle’s requirements, and hey, why not ask your framed masterpiece how it feels to make the right choice?

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Is framing expensive? Ultimately, it depends on the materials used. DIY framing is generally cheaper than professional services.
  • How long does framing usually take? Unless you’re a speedy Gonzalez, it should take at least a couple of hours.
  • Can all puzzles be framed? Pretty much! Some might be tricky, but with a steady hand and a helping of patience, any puzzle can be showcased as art!


So, there you have it! Seize the day, embark on the exquisite adventure that is framing your completed puzzle. Your hustle, bustle, and even those eye-watering moments of frustration can be immortalized into an endearing piece of art gracing your wall.

Trust us, years down the line, the sight of your framed masterpiece will still bring you an odd sense of fulfillment, maybe even a chuckle or two. Let’s face it, we’re puzzle buffs for life! Game on! Are you ready to tackle your next jigsaw puzzle challenge? Cue dramatic music and…fade out!

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