Creating Your Own Puzzle Brand

Creating Your Own Puzzle Brand: Tips and Resources

Don’t you just love the satisfying click of a puzzle piece fitting snugly where it belongs? The sense of accomplishment as one by one, cryptic jigsaw pieces fuse to form a vivid picture? Well, chances are, you’re not alone. In fact, these are the very reasons why puzzles have been beloved for centuries!

Now, imagine taking your fervor and/or prowess for puzzles, blending it with the entrepreneurial spirit within you and voila! You have a concept to chew on: starting your own puzzle brand. Boggles the mind, doesn’t it? But worry not, as we unfold the steps to accomplish just that, you’ll see it’s not as daunting as it initially may seem.

Let’s delve into the nuts and bolts, shall we?

Sharpen Your Concept: ‘The Idea’

Before jumping headfirst into the waters of entrepreneurship, it’s imperative to have a clear idea about the kind of puzzles you want to create. Are you leaning more towards traditional jigsaws or modern, 3D puzzles? Or perhaps something that combines elements of both? Once you have that figured out, try to visualize your target market: kids, adults, seniors, or a category yet untapped?

Here are some aspects to consider:

  • Identify your unique selling proposition (USP)
    • Unique puzzle materials (e.g., wood, metal, eco-friendly)
    • Unique puzzle cuts (e.g., shaped pieces, multi-layered)
    • Educational puzzles with learning themes
    • Artist collaborations for exclusive designs
    • Supporting a cause with each purchase
  • Define your primary audience
    • Age group (children, adults, seniors)
    • Consider the Difficulty Level: How challenging will the puzzles be?
    • Interests (art, history, geography etc.)
  • Choose your puzzle type (traditional, 3D, educational etc.)
  • Decide the design style (muted, vibrant, themed etc.)
  • Develop a brand name and image

Chart Out Your Production: ‘Making the Pieces Fit’

Now that your concept is clear, it’s time to strategize your puzzle’s production. Partnering with manufacturers can be a bit of a sticky wicket, but once you find your groove, it’s smooth sailing.

To make the process less overwhelming, let’s break it down:

  • Sample Development: Collaborate with designers to create prototypes of your puzzles.
  • Manufacturer Hunt: Simple online searches may lead to potential manufacturers, but dig deep via LinkedIn, industry forums, even Manufacturers’ News, Inc.
  • Quality Checks: Ensure your manufacturer produces top-quality puzzles, that don’t risk turning into sloppy joes right off the bat.
  • Mass Production: Once satisfied with the sample, kickstart mass production!

Regulate Your Business: ‘Crossing the T’s and Dotting the I’s’

What we’re about to delve into might seem like a real snooze-fest, but hey, it’s pivotal for your puzzle brand!

Before you start selling, make sure your business complies with federal, state, and local regulations. Don’t forget to get your Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the Internal Revenue Service. According to Department of Revenue, businesses normally need to apply for permits and licenses.

E-commerce and Brand Visibility: ‘Checkmate!’

Finally, set up your eCommerce store or partner with well-established marketplaces. Remember, visibility is key, so engage in robust online and offline promotional activities.

SEO and Website Optimization: ‘The Digital Flamboyance’ (continued)

Here’s a wonderful resource that simplifies the complex world of SEO: Moz Beginner’s Guide to SEO.

Public Relations and Social Media: ‘Let’s Get Viral!’

Public relations and maintaining an active social media presence are effective ways to increase brand visibility. Collaborations, influencers, competitions, sneak-peeks, puzzle-solving events – feel free to let your imagination run wild!


What are some popular Puzzle Brands I can find inspiration from?

Visit for some of the best puzzle brands out there!

How can I make my Puzzle Brand stand out?

Create high-quality puzzles, cultivate a distinctive style, engage with your customers, and provide the best of customer services.

How can I gather funds to start my Puzzle Brand?

Bootstrap (fund your business yourself), explore crowdfunding (raise capital from a large number of people), or approach venture capitalists (investors who provide funding for startups). Always keep your business plan handy!


Starting your own puzzle brand, like any business undertaking, can feel like piecing together a confounding jigsaw. But once you assemble the right pieces in the right place, the end picture promises to be utterly mesmerizing! Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your puzzle brand. So take your time, keep your chin up, and before you know it, you’ll be a bona fide Puzzlepreneur!

Don’t forget, every successful business starts as a puzzle and ends up as a beautiful picture. Now, get on out there and create some amazing puzzles!

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