Can I Use Elmer’s Glue on a Jigsaw Puzzle?

Hey there puzzle enthusiasts! Are you wondering if you can use Elmer’s glue to stick your jigsaw puzzle pieces together? The answer is yes, but there are a few things you should keep in mind.

Elmer’s glue has a low surface tension, making it easy to spread and squeeze out of the bottle. However, this also means that it may be harder to remove the glue from your puzzle after you’re done playing with it and there may be some residue left behind. And if you leave the glue on the puzzle for too long, it can seep into the nooks and crannies, making it even harder to remove.

So, if you don’t mind a little bit of residue, go ahead and use Elmer’s glue for your puzzle. But if you want to be cautious, here are a few safety tips: use a new bottle of glue for each puzzle, store the puzzle in a plastic bag while you’re playing with it, and make sure the pieces are dry before gluing them together.

It’s important to remember that Elmer’s glue is not meant for long-term use and you may need to reapply the glue regularly. And, over time, the glue may cause residue build-up, making it harder or even impossible to put the puzzle back together.

But, if you’re okay with these possible challenges, then go ahead and use Elmer’s glue to bring your puzzle to life! And, if you do need to remove the glue later, just soak the puzzle in warm water for a few minutes to soften the glue and make it easier to separate.

That’s all for now, happy puzzling!

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