When Your Pet Becomes a Puzzle Piece: Funny Stories and Photos


Bend over backward but you can’t quite pinpoint which piece is missing from your picture-perfect jigsaw puzzle? Just when you start eyeing every inch of your room thinking ‘where in the heck could that rascally piece have gone?’, Rover trots in, a cardboard tab teasingly poking out of his mouth. Just another day in paradise, am I right? Welcome to the world of funny and sometimes outright belligerent interactions of life, where puzzle pieces meet pets. Pull up a chair and sit on your hands, because these tales of our furry friends becoming living, breathing parts of our jigsaw puzzles—with photos to boot—will have you laughing your socks off.

Licking for Victory

Have you ever had that moment of pride as you slide in the final piece of a puzzle only to glance over and find your clever cat Dexter grooming himself nonchalantly with the missing centerpiece under his paw? For all puzzle enthusiasts who share their space with a feline, you’re definitely not alone! Don’t rail against the machine, embrace it with a good laugh instead! Heck, we’ve seen the same thing done by Polly, an ornery parrot, who loved to make her owner run from pillar to post searching for a piece that she’d hidden all along!

Dogs, The Sneaky Hoarders

If you’re not already a dog owner, you won’t believe the tricks these sly dudes have up their sleeves. From sniffing out hidden bones to burying favorite toys, these crafty creatures would give Sherlock Homes a run for his money! What about jigsaw puzzles, though? Think they would keep their snoots out of this, you’d be barking up the wrong tree! You see, dogs have quite a reputation for being four-legged jigsaw thieves. And there are photos to prove their comedic crimes. Check out this hoot of a photo showcasing Marley, a charming lab, who stashes away puzzle pieces in his doghouse for sheer enjoyment.

Avian Antics

It’s not just our four-legged companions who engage in such comical interferences. Chirpy friends like parrots and cockatiels also can’t resist the allure of ‘decorating’ their nests with our precious puzzle pieces. Feast your eyes on these photos of Mango, a cheeky parrot using these puzzle pieces as stepping stones in its cage! Tell me if that doesn’t bring a smile to your face!


1. What can I do to prevent my pets from messing with my puzzles?

One option could be to work on your puzzles in an area of the house that your pet can’t access. You could also invest in a puzzle mat or portfolio that can be rolled up when not in use.

2. Are puzzle pieces harmful if swallowed by pets?

Puzzle pieces could potentially cause choking or intestinal blockage in pets if swallowed. If your pet has swallowed a puzzle piece, please consult with a vet immediately.

3. Can I train my pet to not interfere with my puzzles?

It’s a possibility! With positive reinforcement and patience, you may be able to train your pet to leave your puzzles alone.


To cut a long story short, sharing our homes and hearts with pets brings about a smorgasbord of hilarious moments—puzzle-related and beyond! So the next time you find yourself lacking a piece, before you fly off the handle, give a quick look around. Your pet might have just added a dash of delight to your day! Remember, it’s these ludicrous moments that cause us to laugh, love, and appreciate our pets more.

So, here’s to many more puzzles, ‘missing pieces’ and pet-induced laughter in the days to come. Tune in next time when we’ll analyze the theory of pets and puzzles further and find more delightfully fun stories about our much-loved furballs! Until then, keep your puzzles high, and your pets happy! Back to home Jigsaw.Game

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