Jigsaw Puzzle Design Contest

Create a Jigsaw Puzzle Design Contest: Engage Your Audience

Well, hey there, fellow puzzle fanatics! I trust I’ve caught you in your element, every minute spent immersed in a jigsaw puzzle, which one do you have on hand? A 500-piece Manhattan skyline? Or perhaps a complex thousand-piece reproduction of Monet’s Water Lilies? Don’t you just love the thrill that piecing together a jigsaw puzzle brings? Well, buckle up! We’re about to take this fun to a whole new level.

Yes, you read that right! We’re inviting you, our valuable jigsaw tribe, to pour out your creativity and host a Jigsaw Puzzle Design Contest. Now more than ever, people are indulging in this great pastime. In fact, sales of jigsaw puzzles have soared during the pandemic, affirming their place in our hearts and homes.

The Thrill of the Game

Before we jump into the details, let’s riddle out why jigsaw puzzles are so engaging. It’s not just about passing the time. There’s more to it than meets the eye. Here are some reasons:

– A Rewarding Challenge: Putting together a jigsaw puzzle is a form of problem-solving that exercises both sides of our brain.

– Promotes well-being: Seriously, is there anything more satisfying than placing that final piece? It’s a clear end that brings a sense of accomplishment and a mood boost.

– Fosters Creativity: Each piece of a jigsaw puzzle is part of a bigger picture. It nurtures our ability to see parts and wholes, fostering creativity.

Now, imagine all the fun and engagement your audience will experience, not just while solving a puzzle but also creating one. Bingo! You’ve got yourself a bona fide hit—an event that brings fun, creativity, and interaction with your audience.

How to Host a Successful Jigsaw Puzzle Design Contest

Creating your own contest might sound like a big jump from piecing puzzles together, but don’t fret! Rome wasn’t built in a day, right? Now, let’s jump into how to make it happen:

1. Set Clear Rules

Clarity is the key to success. Objectives, rules, deadlines, selection criteria – outline everything in detail. Write these rules in a simple, user-friendly language and a compelling tone. Remember, you’re not writing a contract—you’re here to have fun!

2. Choose Your Platform

Decide where to host your contest. Popular social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram could be great. You know what they say, go where the people are.

3. Promote Like Crazy

Create a buzz, entice potential participants, and build the hype! Use eye-catching visuals, utilize hashtags, engage your followers.

4. Choose Interesting Themes

Themes add interest and encourage creativity. Unleash your imagination and offer themes that evoke colors, emotions, places, or even social issues.

5. Acknowledge and Reward

Even the most brilliantly designed contest can lose its appeal if participants don’t feel seen. Ensure they feel acknowledged and appreciated. Rewards don’t have to be big. Consider puzzle packs, gift cards, or even special recognition.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can I host a jigsaw puzzle design contest on a website instead of social media?

A: Absolutely! You can host it wherever you feel most comfortable and have the most engagement. Choose a platform that suits best your target audience.

Q: Do I need to source a manufacturer to develop the winning design?

A: It would be a nice touch but not necessary. The real prize here is the thrill of competition and creativity.

Q: Should I limit the number of entries per person?

A: Not necessarily. The more, the merrier. But do make sure to set clear rules around this.


Aha! Bet you didn’t see this coming, did you? Holding a Jigsaw Puzzle Design Contest is a surefire way to stir up excitement and engage your audience creatively. It’s time to bring out the Vincent Van Gogh in them while keeping them intrigued.

Remember, let your hair down and let creativity rule the roost! It’s all about having fun after all. Use your creativity, think out of the box, and who knows, you might create an incredibly disarming game that will be remembered for a long time.

Go ahead. Create. Engage. And let the jigsaw magic unfold!

In case you need examples of jigsaw puzzles to inspire you, check out the amazing collection here at Jigsaw Game. If you ever need a hand in planning or hosting your contest, or simply want to enjoy a good ol’ fashioned brain teaser, you’re always welcome here. Hop on the puzzle train!

Also, don’t forget to share your creations with us using #JigsawGame. We’d love to see your creative side shine through! Who knows, your design might just be the next big thing!

Happy puzzling, folks!

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