Reader Submitted Jigsaw Puzzle

Reader Submitted Puzzles: Share Your Creations with the Community

Greetings, puzzle enthusiasts! Today’s piece is all about unearthing those wonderfully intricate puzzle masterpieces you’ve crafted right from scratch. We’re launching an exciting new feature, “Reader Submitted Puzzles”. As clear as a bell, this is the platform to share your creations with our thriving community of avid puzzle aficionados.

A Community’s Love Affair with Puzzles

There’s something inherently magnetic about puzzles, isn’t there? They lure us into their tantalizing labyrinth, daring us to reach the center. They challenge us, provoke us, and in a strange way, soothe us. What’s the source of this allure?

1. **The Reward of Solving:** There’s nothing like the adrenaline rush and sense of accomplishment when we solve a complex puzzle.
2. **Tease Your Grey Cells:** Puzzles are brain-food. They help to enhance memory, speed, creativity, and problem-solving skills.
3. **Bonding Opportunity:** Puzzles are best tackled in groups. They offer a fun bonding experience loaded with laughter and healthy competition.

Now, wouldn’t it be a hoot to switch roles for once? To jump onto the other side of the fence and create a puzzle that would befuddle others, for a change?

Show Off Your Puzzle Mastery

Whether it’s a cryptic crossword, a devilishly hard Sudoku, a hauntingly beautiful jigsaw, or a unique creation, we want to see them all! Our platform,, promises to turn the spotlight on your talents, showcasing your work to puzzle enthusiasts around the globe.

How to Submit Your Puzzles

Here’s the nuts and bolts of how you can share your puzzle creations with our community:

1. **Sign In/Sign Up:** First, get logged into your account. If you don’t have one, setting up an account is as easy as pie.
2. **Upload Your Puzzle:** Head over to our “Reader Submitted Puzzles” section. Click on “Upload Puzzle”, provide the necessary details, and hey presto, it’s done!
3. **Enjoy the Spotlight:** Sit back and watch as your creation takes center stage.

Remember the golden rule: Be original, be creative, and most importantly, let your puzzle be as unique as you!


Do you screen puzzles before they are published?

Yes, we do! We screen every submission before publishing to ensure quality and appropriateness.

Is there a limit to the number of puzzles I can submit?

Not at all! You can submit as many puzzles as you want. The more, the merrier!

Do you offer any incentives or rewards?

Of course! We periodically organize contests and offer lucrative prizes to the most popular puzzles.


Well, folks, here’s your chance to grab the bull by the horns, taking your love for puzzles to new heights! Not only will you get to flex your creative muscles, but you’ll also be contributing to this thriving, puzzle-crazy community. So, what in the world are you waiting for? Hop on board, unleash your creativity, and let’s build an endless maze of puzzles together at!

P.S. Remember, you’re not just a piece in the puzzle, you’re the creator of it too!

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